Who am I?

Hi, I’m Lisa.

I’m a Plant Based Consultant and Coach. I work with women to balance their hormones naturally through diet.

I teach women about the four phases of the menstrual cycle, and which foods support you best in each of the phases. I work with women to transition more easily into menopause. I coach women to change their mindsets around food and nutrition and connect with their bodies to nourish themselves. 

My focus is specifically on food and diet, and I take a light, fun approach. We have more success in changing our habits when we move slowly, make it fun, and make sure that our change in lifestyle fits with the demands of our lives. 

My approach is based on modern day nutrition as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic principles.

I’m a qualified teacher and vegan chef, with an extensive career in Education, empowering people to work with their strengths. I’m now combining these skills to teach women to embrace the power of their hormones. 

In-person services

I work as a Personal Chef in Berlin – email me directly if you’re interested in my Personal Chef service.

I run cooking classes, both private and group, to teach people about plant based ingredients and cooking techniques.

Online services

I host online events, including a monthly masterclass on hormone health and plant based food. And I deliver 1:1 and group coaching programmes to support women to build cyclical eating habits and develop new mindsets around nourishing themselves in line with the rhythm of their cycles.

I invite you to join one of my online groups: The Cyclical Kitchen, where you will find ongoing support around diet and hormones, as well as details of my upcoming workshops and programmes; or The Art of Vegan Cooking, where you will find tips and recipes for vegan cooking. 

Get in touch

Whether you have already adopted a plantbased diet or you are curious to know more about this way of eating, I’d love to hear from you. If you want to be healthier, enjoy good food and prioritise investing in your wellbeing, I’d love to meet you. Plantbased and vegan eating is a growing trend and is here to stay.

Book a free 30-minute session

Book a call with me if you’d like to chat about one of my services, or you have something you’d like to discuss with me.

Take a look at my Instagram for pictures of some of my creations:

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